She survived a two-mile fall and found herself alone in … Estuvo desmayada por varias horas y cuando despertó, miró las copas de los árboles. Juliane Koepcke, 10 jours dans la jungle après un crash d'avion. 12 July 2018 Juliane Koepcke: How I Survived a Plane Crash Juliane Koepcke was flying over the Peruvian rainforest with her mother when her plane was hit by lightning. Juliane Koepcke has one of the most impressive and enthralling survival stories of the Amazon rainforest. Elle vivait au Pérou avec ses parents, des biologistes allemands. It all began on an ill-fated plane ride on Christmas Eve of 1971. The family spent their lives researching the Amazon – and that proved to be Juliane’s advantage. Tous les passagers et membres d'équipage meurent, sauf Juliane, dix-sept ans, qui était à bord avec sa mère. Christmas Eve plane crash of 1971 The terrible air crash claimed 91 lives including of all 6 crew members and 85 of its 86 passengers on board. Unbelievable. Después de dos años acompañándolos en viajes de investigación a la selva, Juliane volvió a Lima para estudiar la secundaria. She survived a two-mile fall and found herself alone in the jungle, just 17. Cele două mergeau în vizită la tatăl lui Juliane, Hans-Wilhelm, un renumit zoolog german, care lucra la o stație de cercetare din pădurea tropicală amazoniană. At one point, young Juliane Koepcke was certain that she could walk no more. [ATI] Juliane Koepcke was flying over the Peruvian rainforest with her mother when her plane was hit by lightning. Juliane Köpcke nació en Lima el 10 d'ochobre de 1954, fía del biólogu Hans-Wilhelm Köpcke y de una famosa ornitolóloga, Anna Maria Emilia Koepcke de nacionalidá alemana que'l so apellíu llevaben siquier tres aves tropicales amazóniques.. En 1971 yá s'atopaba cursando l'últimu añu de la escuela media y pensaba estudiar zooloxía o bioloxía. “It was Christmas Eve 1971 and everyone was eager to get home,” Koepcke recalls. The sole survivor was a 17-year-old high school student named Juliane Koepcke, who fell 10,000 feet (3.2 kilometres) to the ground still strapped to her chair and lived miraculously. Juliane Koepcke was strapped to her seat and that may have been what actually saved her life. Juliane is held firmly to her seat b… Durée estimée du vol : 1 heure. True Story. The chances of surviving a mid-air plane explosion are so small that it is almost beyond comprehension. Forestry workers discovered Juliane Koepcke on January 3, 1972, after she’d survived 11 days in the rainforest, and delivered her to safety. She was catapulted from the plane, spiraling through the air, until she hit the jungle canopy, with the other two seats in her row still attached. Juliane Koepcke recuerda que cuando el avión cayó, aquel 24 de diciembre de 1971, vísperas de la Navidad, se golpeó la cabeza fuertemente, y tenía herido el brazo. But then, a sight appeared–one so amazing that she was sure it was a hallucination. En 1971, la veille de Noël, un avion survolant l'Amazonie péruvienne est frappé par la foudre. L'avion explose en plein ciel. Juliane however, was lucky to have survived the 2-mile fall. Le vol se déroule correctement mais le ciel devient de plus en plus noir. On December 24, 1971, she boarded a flight to the city of Pucallpa, Peru, together with her mother to visit her father, the biologist Hans-Wilhelm Koepcke.The plane runs into a strong storm and while it is flying about 3,000 meters above the ground it is hit and destroyed by lightning. Incredible good fortune, a determination to survive, and some basic survival training learnt from her father all played their part in her miraculous tale. Juliane Kopcke era una adolescente de origen alemán que fue el única sobreviviente del accidente del vuelo 508 de LANSA en la selva peruana en 1974. Kopcke siguió una corriente durante nueve días hasta que encontró un refugio donde un leñador fue capaz de ayudarla a encontrar el camino a la civilización. Juliane was High School senior, 17 years old at that time and she was travelling with her mother Maria Koepcke to […] Juliane Koepcke creció en Lima, Perú, hasta que a los 14 años se trasladó con sus padres a la selva amazónica, dónde estos establecieron la Panguana Ecological Research Station. Juliane Koepcke: How I Survived a Plane Crash BBC ^ | 23 March 2012 Posted on 03/25/2012 11:20:48 AM PDT by nickcarraway. Buy Tombée du ciel (French Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Juliane Margaret Beate Koepcke, également connue sous son nom de femme mariée, Juliane Diller, née le 10 octobre 1954 à Lima , est une biologiste germano-péruvienne, principalement connue pour être la seule survivante de l'accident d'avion du vol LANSA 508 le 24 décembre 1971, après avoir survécu à une chute de 3 200 mètres. The plane was hovering over the Amazon Rainforest when it crashed. Accidente del vuelo 508 de LANSA Juliane Koepcke was 17 years old when the plane she and her mother were in was hit by lightning and fell 10,000 feet into the Amazon rainforest. Juliane Koepcke nació en Lima, el 10 de octubre de 1954, hija del biólogo Hans-Wilhelm Koepcke y la ornitolóloga alemana Maria Koepcke. Juliane miraculously survived the crash and several days in the jungle on her own. This is the amazing story of survival involving a German-Peruvian woman named Juliane Koepcke – she was only 17-years-old back in 1971 when the plane she and her mother were on suddenly burst into flames after an unfortunate lightning strike. Juliane Koepcke Juliane Koepcke was sole survivor of crash of LANSA (Peruvian local airline) flight 508 which happened on 24th December 1971 with 92 passengers and crew travelling from Lima, Peru to Pucallpa, Peru. Juliane Koepcke : découvrez tous les ouvrages de l'auteur Juliane Koepcke en version livre ou ebook - Furet du Nord Apparemment, … On the riverbank was a small motor boat with a can of gasoline. Juliane Koepcke was 17 years old on Christmas Eve 1971, when the plane supposed to fly her and 91... Juliane Koepcke was 17 years old on Christmas Eve 1971, when the plane … Not only did she once take a tumble from 10,000 feet in the air, she then proceeded to survive 11 days in the jungle before being rescued. She survived a two-mile fall and found herself alone in the jungle, just 17. Juliane Koepcke tenía 17 años cuando el 24 de diciembre de 1971 embarcó en el vuelo 508 de LANSA para ir de Lima a Pucallpa, donde pasaría la Navidad con su padre. Estaba lloviendo. They find the remains of the plane and recreate her journey out of the jungle. Born in Peru to German parents, Juliane’s father was a zoologist, and her mother Maria was an ornithologist. But for a 17-year-old girl named Juliane Koepcke, a 3km plunge to the ground was just the beginning of an incredible survival story. Juliane Koepcke avait 17 ans le 24 décembre 1971, lorsqu'elle a survécu à un crash d'avion. And she was able to walk away. Biografía. At the time of her near brush with death, Juliane Koepcke was just 17 years old. 17 year-old Juliane Koepcke was sucked out of an airplane in 1971 after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. As she learned from her father, gasoline was a potent weapon in fighting the flesh-eating maggots. Le 24 décembre, Juliane et sa mère embarquent dans le vol LANSA 508. Juliane was the daughter of two German zoologists; she had emigrated to Peru and decided to follow their footsteps. Outlook Inspirations nominee Juliane Koepcke was travelling on an internal flight over the Peruvian jungle when it was struck by lightning and … Increíblemente, Juliane Köpcke … MUNICH, Germany (CNN)-- Juliane Koepcke is not someone you'd expect to attract attention. “I Survived an Air Crash”: The Incredible Story of Juliane Koepcke Louis Proud June 23, 2014 Few stories of human survival are as remarkable as that of Juliane Koepcke. Directed by Werner Herzog. 1 En 1971, ya se encontraba cursando el último año de la escuela media y pensaba estudiar zoología o biología. Juliane Koepcke was flying over the Peruvian rainforest with her mother when her plane was hit by lightning. Wait until you hear the story of Juliane Koepcke. With Werner Herzog, Juliane Koepcke, Juan Zaplana Ramirez. Subscribe. She fell 2 miles to the ground, strapped to her seat and survived after she endured 10 days in the Amazon Jungle! Juliane salió despedida del avión, abrochada por su cinturón al asiento, y cayó sobre los árboles, cuyas ramas amortiguaron el impacto hasta el suelo. Juliane Koepcke (Lima, Perú, 1954) es hija de dos biólogos alemanes que dedicaron su vida al estudio de la selva amazónica peruana. How have… În anul 1971, la doar o zi după absolvirea liceului, Juliane Koepcke, în vârstă de 17 ani, și mama ei, Maria, au plecat într-un zbor din Lima, Peru, până la Pucallpa. On Dec. 24, 1971, however, Koepcke was a 17-year-old high school student boarding LANSA Flight 508, along with her mother, 84 other passengers, and a crew of six. Juliane Koepcke. She survived!!! Werner Herzog returns to the South American jungle with Juliane Koepcke, the German woman who was the sole survivor of a plane crash there in 1971. On December 24, 1971, Koepcke, at the time a seventeen-year-old high school student studying in Lima, Peru, boarded LANSA Flight 508. Born in Lima, Peru, in 1954, Juliane Koepcke is currently a German mammalogist. En 1971 sobrevivió a una tragedia aérea que dio la vuelta al mundo y en la que perdió a su madre.