Strengths. The Application is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. This was called a constitution. b [6 marks] Regulatory Weimar Republic… Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. Combination of rigidity and flexibility. The progress of the (former) USSR after the 1917 Socialist Revolution influenced them to adopt socialism as a goal. The Federal Constitution (SR 101) is the constitution of the Swiss Confederation. Extracts from the German Constitution of 11 August 1919 (Weimar Constitution) 136 Religion and religious societies 137 Art. US – Constitution opens with ‘We the people of the US’. 2. There is a constitutional monarchy. The main features of the Weimar Constitution: There were four main branches to the Weimar Constitution which was drawn up by the National Assembly in 1919. On August 11, 1919, Friedrich Ebert, a member of the Social Democratic Party and the provisional president of the German Reichstag (government), signs a new constitution, known as the Weimar Constitution, into law, officially creating the first parliamentary democracy in Germany. By far the most important feature of British constitution is its unwritten character. The constitution is a fundamental law of a country that reflects the fundamental principles on which the government of the country is based. The Bolivarian approach to constitution-making is Chile’s second negative model. Fundamental rights and fundamental duties. (e.g. Characteristics of the Weimar Government All men and women over the age of 20 were able vote. Parliamentary system of government. THE constitution of the German Reich, in force since I9I9, is distin-guished from the preceding constitution, which came into operation in What are the main features of Constitution Class 9? 2. These … It consists on seven articles. All German citizens were to be equal. Germany’s written constitution is known as the Basic Law (Grundgesetz), so labeled because it ... those of its features that represent significant departures from Germany’s past. 139 138 Art. a. Features borrowed From CANADA Among these features and natures, the ones considered as essential include generality, normativity and sanction. It is the primary piece of legislation in the Swiss legal system, taking precedence over all the federal, cantonal and communal acts, ordinances and other enactments; these may not contradict the Constitution. Parliament can choose to leave the EU whenever they want. The Constitution of India as we all know is a supreme law of the country and every citizen of our country has to abide by the constitution. • Human dignity 2. The Weimar Republic is so called because the assembly that adopted its constitution met at Weimar, Germany, ... Reparations accounted for about a third of the German deficit from 1920 to 1923 and so were cited by the German government as one of the main causes of hyperinflation. Switzerland is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. This model has inspired the constitution-makers of Venezuela (1999), Ecuador (2008), and Bolivia (2009), and it combines a form of transformative constitutionalism (an idea originated in relation to South Africa) with a particular constituent narrative. Between 1970 and 1993, the Belgian leaders amended their Constitution four times to work out a consensus. Main features of objectives Resolution. 2.3. equality, brotherhood, social justice would be enforced in the country. treaty of versailles 1. treaty of versailles 2. hyperinflation. What was the role of the President under the Weimar Constitution? This was understood as embedding in the Basic Law both the proposition that Germany in 1949 was neither unified nor free, and also as binding the new Federal Republic to a duty to pursue the creation of such a free and unified Ger… The term "constitutionalism," however, suffers from the vice of vagueness. Mandatory Features of the Swiss Constitution: The Helvetic Republic is still called a Confederation of twenty cantons and six half cantons, though since 1848 it has adopted a federal constitution which was considerably revised in 1874 and rewritten in 1999 incorporating all the amendments made there up to. Independent judiciary. 5) Democracy required respect for law and minority opinion . Mostly Unwritten and Partly Written. The following is an overview of the main features of the constitution that emerged in August of 1919. The American constitution is federal in character. Another important fact that should not be missed is the different variations or government types similar to Constitutional Monarchy. Features of federalism. (i) The Belgian Constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. a. A constitution can also be defined according to the main features it contains. As war debts and reparations drained its coffers, the German government was unable to pay its debts. Federal System and Unitary Features The states are referred to as ‘Landers’. Article 2. What are the main five features of democracy? Another important fact that should not be missed is the different variations or government types similar to Parliamentary Democracy. Understanding Chile’s constitution-making procedure* For good or bad, Latin America has seen several constitution-making processes in the past decades, including the cases of Brazil (1988), Colombia (1991), Perú (1993), Ecuador (1998 and again in 2008), Venezuela (1999), and Bolivia (2009). the opportunity to put the main features of Socialism immediately into the form of law. The Constitution of the German Empire was the basic law of the German Empire of 1871-1918, from 16 April 1871, coming into effect on 4 May 1871. weimar problems 1919-23. weimar germany 1924-29 economic recovery? Rigid as well as a flexible constitution – The unique feature of the Indian Constitution is that it is a … Human dignity shall be inviolable. This essay sets out to describe the main features of German constitu-tionalism, and it concludes by drawing some comparisons with the United States. It sets out the basis for Australia's federal system of governance, the key features of which include: an Australian Parliament and government, responsible for national decision-making and law-making. National Assembly It was indirectly elected. Federal character- The American constitution is federal in character. True b. It is a federal republic composed of 26 cantons, with federal authorities based in Bern. It has a Parliamentary form of Government, modeled on the British Parliamentary form. The Reichstag made the laws and appointed the Government and Chancellor. 141 138. Basic Rights Article 1: [Human dignity - Human rights - Legally binding force of basic rights] 1. The term of the presidency was set at 7 years. Federalism: Article I of the 1874 Swiss Constitution described Switzerland as a confederation. 1ff] Analysing the features and nature common to all laws would help us to understand the concept of law. the opportunity to put the main features of Socialism immediately into the form of law. On the one hand, he purports to show that in the case of the United States Supreme Court, the main features of the decision-making process of the common law tradition cannot avoid judicial discretion. The Indian Constitution took almost about three years to get drafted. The presence of constituent parts called republics, states, etc. The roads, canals, and buildings of the lower town featured large-scale use of standard-size bricks – both baked and unbaked. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany guaranteed the right to build associations for collective bargaining free from state interference. Two-channel system of employee representation. Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany . America was originally a federation of 13 States but due to admission of new states, it is now a federation of 50 States. The leading figure in German politics then, as now, was Frederick Ebert. Volume 6. Narrow/ wide meaning? According to archaeologists, town planning was a strikingly unique feature of Indus valley civilization. The Weimar Constitution was written by the National Assembly after it had been elected in January 1919. Likewise, they were influenced by the constitutions of Canada, Australia, Weimar Republic (Germany) and Ireland. The Main Features of the Soviet Constitution of Ninteteen-Thirty Six In 1936, Stalin judged the time ripe for drafting a new constitution which would preserve his autocratic power in the country. History – every article you ever viewed is stored in history. There are number of guiding principles that inform civil trials in Germany. These include the ... these revisions, however, would alter or modify the main principles or essential core of the Basic Law. Provide for a comparison between Indian … There is no such thing as written, precise and compact document, which may be called the British constitution. © Ans: (i) Written The USA Constitution is written Constitution which is made at Philadelphia convention in 1789. Following are some salient features of the British constitution. Some of the former World War I Allies didn't buy Germany's claim that it couldn't afford to pay. The salient features of federalism include the existence of dual government at the central and state level, separation of powers, rigid and written constitution, supremacy of the constitution, independence of judiciary, etc. 14. False 11. The Constitution of 1871, by its heading, purported to form an "eternal union" of the several states "for the protection of the realm and the care of the welfare of the German people." It was adopted by popular vote the following year and went into effect on January 1st 1938. This framework is intended to assist interested persons in various nations in establishing or improving curricular programs which foster an understanding of and support for constitutional democracy. 2.2. Japan has a Parliamentary system of Government. The Australian Constitution is divided into 8 chapters and 128 sections. Main Features of Federalism: India has three levels. 137 137 Art. The Queen is the head of state but is constitutionally limited; the Royal Prerogative belongs to the Prime Minister. 2.1. The text was prepared by a committee of experts and civil servants. 1929 and impact of wall street crash. Discover: the structure of the new constitution Explore: its strengths / weaknesses Skill: forming a judgment. But it is not just a replicate of the system. When writing the constitution, there was a need to ensure that democracy would have a change, whilst balancing the competing political interests of all those parties at the national assembly. Some of them are firmly rooted in the German constitution.8 The most important principles are the principle of party control, the principle of party control of facts and the means of proof, Functional analysis not enough: People too – political significance. Greate Britian is mother of democracy. 3 things: Create institutions, relation between institutions, and relation between state-citizen. But in … All German citizens were to be equal. As Gerhard Casper has written, "it is neither clearly prescrip- The Indian Constitution strikes a fine balance between rigidity … Features borrowed From JAPAN • Laws on which the Supreme Court functions. According to the constitution, the empire was a federation Use of mud bricks. The Lengthiest Constitution of the World. The constitution should provide a representative form of government in which the rulers will exercise their powers in line with the Islamic concept of Sovereignty of Allah. German historians often refer to it as Bismarck's imperial constitution, in German the Bismarcksche Reichsverfassung. Similarly, the fundamental rights are from the American constitution, Directive Principles from the Irish Constitution and the Cabinet form of government is from the British Constitution. Weimar Constitution adopted in Germany. Rigidity and flexibility. nazi reorganisation 1924-28. on Constitution of Japan: Features, Comparison with Indian + other constitutions. King is more like a ‘Rubber stamp’ authority while PM is head of the Cabinet. Under German Works Constitution Act an employer has the right to close a plant or business facility if based on economic necessity at any time and without consultation with workers. Features of the Indian Constitution. Federal system with a unitary bias. Viewed as a social and economic process, German unification was by no means completed when the GDR acceded to the Federal Written Constitution: American constitution is a written constitution framed in 1787 and enforced in … The concept of “works constitution”. 1) Democracy is a system if government, where supreme powers lies with the people . In Germany, as in Italy, Austria was the main obstacle to unification. What were the main features of the Weimar Republic? There is parliamentary sovereignty. One of the great issues was the position of the emperor. Article 18 is seen as an essential component of a wehrhafte Demokratie –a democracy that can defend itself, unlike the Weimar Republic. Article 20 states that “the Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.” 1 Answer. German citizens would elect the President and the Reichstag (Parliament). After all was said and done, a couple of student observations stood out to me: 1) “Germany takes democracy to a whole new level,” 2) “Germany seems much more about community,” and 3) Students felt Germany’s Basic Law was less ambiguous than the US Constitution and wondered if that would lead to less legal battles or political controversy. This is the form of democracy practiced in Germany, Israel, Japan, the United States, and other countries. Article 1[Human dignity – Human rights – Legally binding force of basic rights] Article … The Weimar constitution’s most modern features, the provisions for popular referendum and initiative, were designed to enable the electorate, by way of petition, to introduce bills into the Reichstag and to force the body to vote on them. He succeeded, or assumed to suc-ceed, Prince Maximilian as Chancellor on November 9, under a provisional scheme of administration which contemplated the early (ii) Brief Constitution The USA Constitution is one of the briefest constitution over all the world. Thus, negative historical experience played a major role in shaping the constitution. Features. While the drafting of the Indian Constitution, some features were also borrowed from the Government of India Act, 1935. Islamic laws and guiding principles of life i.e. strengths and weaknesses of weimar constitution. British constitution system is the oldest democratic system in the modern world. The constitution enumerates the powers of the centre and leaves the ... State the main features of Hitler's geopolitical concept of ‘Lebensraum’ or ‘living space’. The Main Features of the Weimar Constitution The newly formed Weimar constitution had many distinguishing features, one of which was that they were a democratic government as before the war Germany had not been really democratic, this was because the Kaiser was a dictator which meant everything he said would happen. What are four features of federalism? 2 MAIN FEATURES OF THE GERMAN TAX SYSTEM Germany is a federal, federative state. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. The Constitution has all the federal features of governance and they are a division of powers between the three organs of the state (judiciary, executive, and legislature), the dual system of government (center and states), Supremacy of the Constitution, independent Judiciary and bicameralism (lower and upper … These features of Constitutional Monarchy give us an insight into its definition, its characteristics, its origination, how it has been applied as a governance by many nations worldwide, etc. on German Constitution: Features, Comparison with Indian + other constitutions. German citizens were guaranteed freedom of speech and religion. main features of weimar constitution. German citizens were guaranteed freedom of speech and religion. Highlight any five features of the constitution of 1791 in France. German government. In Germany: Formation of the Federal Republic of Germany …had ratified the Grundgesetz (Basic Law), as the constitution was called to underline the provisional nature of the new state. Articles 1 through 19 delineate basic rights that apply to all German citizens, including equality before the law; freedom of speech, assembly, the news media, and worship; freedom from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or political beliefs; and the right to conscientious objection to compulsory … D. Maintaining the Constitution Most of the repair work on the Basic Law took place during the years 1954-56, 1968-69, and 1990-94. The President. Preamble of the Constitution: The Constitution of India initiates with a Preamble. Main features: 1. ii. (2) Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity. [Personal freedoms] (1) Every person shall have the right to free development of his personality insofar as he does not violate the rights of others or offend against the constitutional order or the moral law. In this sense, Arshakyan claims that precedent and analogical reasoning cannot fully constrain the decision of … constitution€in€the€world€at€the€time€and€ironically€also€later€blamed€as€being€the€major reason€why€democracy€failed€in€Germany Features: Germany€was€declared€a€democratic€federal€republic Democratic€=€universal€(male€and€female)€suffrage Weimar Germany, 1918/19–1933 The Constitution of the German Empire of August 11, 1919 (Weimar Constitution). Click on the link below to watch the clip. Nonetheless, inside the Confederation, Austria had to face the rivalry of another powerful German state - Prussia. Germany labor laws grants its workers equal to management rights to participate in the management of the business. Establishment of values and Ideals: Every constitution aims at establishing values and ideals. 3. What were the main features of the Weimar Republic? Directive principles of state policy. Constitutional Monarchy The Constitution made France a Constitutional monarchy. The new Germany would be d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c for the first time . The constitution and its rules are in control by Parliament. Foreign policy activities are conducted by the federal government on behalf of all entities. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection. Describe Hitler's role in the Nazi Party before 1929. When writing the constitution, there was a need to ensure that democracy would have a change, whilst balancing the competing political interests of all those parties at the national assembly. I. (ii) Each level of government has its own jurisdiction in matters of legislation, taxation and administration even though they govern the same citizens. The salient features of the Constitution have developed directly and indirectly from these objectives which flow from the Preamble. We therefore hear of a constitution being either unitary or federal. The bulkiest constitution of the world. With all these features, the Indian Constitution is a constitution best suited to the Indian environment. What part did Hitler play in the German Workers' Party (DAP)? 4) Democracy requires free and fair election . A genuine democracy - Elections for parliament and president took place every four years and all Germans over 20 could vote. There qualities are as follow. The leading figure in German politics then, as now, was Frederick Ebert. Salient Features of the British Constitution. Explain the main features of the US Federal Constitution. He traveled around the world and studied the German constitution at length, having decided that the German situation best paralleled Japan’s. The relations between the federation and its entities are governed by the Federal Constitution. These features of Parliamentary Democracy give us an insight into its definition, its characteristics, its origination, how it has been applied as a governance by many nations worldwide, etc. 1. A constitutional division of powers has been made between the centre and the federating units. - the German state between 1918 - 1933 To know the main features of the Weimar Constitution and to be able to identify its possible weaknesses. Also, it adopts various provisions from the Constitutions of Canada, Australia, Germany, USSR, and France. The British were the first to discover how to manage a large state on democratic principles. left and right wing challenges to germany. An elected President replaced the Kaiser as the Head of State and was elected every seven years by men and women over the age of 20. The Weimar Republic is so called because the assembly that adopted its constitution met at Weimar, Germany, ... Reparations accounted for about a third of the German deficit from 1920 to 1923 and so were cited by the German government as one of the main causes of hyperinflation. But was this a good thing during such an unstable period of German history? Introduction. Main features of the German works constitution. The constitution of the Weimar Republic stated that the people would elect the President. 2) In democratic counry , the power of the elected representativas would be supreme . Basic Rights. The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human These features are the federal scheme, office of governor, judiciary, emergency provisions, public service commissions and administrative details. There are so many qualitis of british constitution it is called Salient Feature of UK Constitution. The Parliamentary Council, meeting in … As adopted by West Germany in 1949 as an interim constitution, the preamble of the Basic Law looked forward explicitly to a future free and united German state: "The entire German people is called upon to accomplish, by free self-determination, the unity and freedom of Germany." It has a constitutional Monarchy. The Indian Constitution is one of the lengthiest constitutions in the world and it is also very detailed. Explain the main features of the French Constitution of 1791. The German Constitution. Most of the Basic Law’s 146 articles describe the composition and functions of various organs of government, as well as the intricate system of checks and balances governing their interaction. Other major issues addressed in the Basic Law include the distribution of power between the federal government and... Main Features of the UK Constitution Parliamentary Sovereignty Uncodified Unitary Fusion of powers Flexible The UK could potentially fit into a number of the categories discussed. German citizens would elect the President and the Reichstag (Parliament). Germany and culminated in the GDR's "accession" to the Federal Republic itself. The Weimar Constitution was written by the National Assembly after it had been elected in January 1919. Document/ Rules. After giving a brief overview of the main features of the German tax system, this chapter will focus on the organization of the German tax administration and will give examples of the consequences of a decentralized administration in the German case. It is now Chile’s turn. He succeeded, or assumed to suc-ceed, Prince Maximilian as Chancellor on November 9, under a provisional scheme of administration which contemplated the early CONCLUSION. German History in Documents and Images. This Basic Law thus applies to the entire German people. 138 138 Art. At the same time, the division of Europe, which the division of Germany came to symbolize, had largely ceased to exist. Explain any 5 features … Secularism. THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE GERMAN REICH OF 1919 COMPARED WITH THE CON-STITUTION OF i87I.1 [Contributed by DR. B. H. JAUP, Berlin.] The German constitution, the Basic Law (Grundgesetz), guarantees the right to own property, freedom of movement, free choice of occupation, freedom of association, and equality before the law. The Preamble consists of the ideals, objectives and basic principles of the Constitution. This is Constitution of Germany (The German Constitution). This so-called constitutional conventionmet for almost two weeks in August 1948 at Herrenchiemsee Castle in Bavaria. It was originally a federation of … several times,7 but its basic structure and characteristic features have endured. There are 12 schedules and 448 articles in our Constitution. From WEIMAR CONSTITUTION OF GERMANY • Suspension of Fundamental Rights during the emergency. BASIC FEATURES OF LAW [Biset Beyene, Introductory Note on Law in general, 2006, Unpublished, Alpha University College, Pp. This is in reference to the structure of government in the country as stipulated by the constitution. (iii) Power and functions of each tier of government is specified and guaranteed by Constitution. The parliaments of the federal states also played a central role: individual MPs were appointed to form a However, the constitution modified the operation of the unfettered free market by means of its “social market economy” (Soziale Marktwirtschaft). 136 137 Art. Important Features of Ethiopian Legal System Tesfay Kumenit, Dean, University of Gondar, Ethiopia This is a paper addressing an overview of the main features of current Ethiopian legal system. The main features of the Indian Constitution are: The Unitary Federal System. Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country situated at the confluence of Western, Central and Southern Europe. What were the disadvantages of proportional representation for Weimar Germany? 15. The process of unification of Germany: (i) Nationalist feelings were widespread among middle class Germans, who in 1848 tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state governed by an elected parliament. Written, `` it is neither clearly prescrip- article 2 grants its Workers equal to management rights to in... But it is a system if government, where supreme powers lies with the states of government is specified guaranteed. 'S role in the German TAX system Germany is a federation and the powers! Republic faced one of the Swiss Confederation document, which the division of Germany ( the German Constitution length. 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