Finnish grammar can be learnt logically. Sort by. Spanish has lots of similarities in vocabulary to English, and Spanish grammar is not very difficult as it is also quite similar to English. In fact, it’s a language that is much easier to achieve fluency in than you would have ever expected. Learning French isn’t going to be as difficult as you think. When people say that German grammar is hard, cases are probably the biggest reason. German is beating everyone else online. Kids can learn languages. Most of them are random. The Internet has a lot to offer the fluent German speaker. Check out the FSI’s full list of languages on the next page. although the level of difficulty may be under conditions such as your mother tongue and your everyday proximity with it. 4 7 4 7 3 4 3. learning german is.. difficult. As talked about above, English is related, but that’s not … I’m fed up with the myth that German is hard to learn for English speakers. Some of which may actually change your life for the better. Most people’s experience with the German language is listening to WWII documentaries or films. Visit the blog at: Seemingly endless compound words and the concept of noun genders is often enough to scare people off learning German for good. Learning one language is hard enough, and the very idea of learning two languages at once is enough to make most language learning tremble. Luckily, there are a few languages that can be much easier for English-speakers to learn than most. The German language is a thing of Wunder (yes, that’s right: “wonder”), and contrary to some popular misconceptions, it’s far from one of the most difficult languages to learn. #4 German. What you need is a method that can help you learn naturally, in which 80% of learners become fluent within 6-8 months. 3. I rate this language as , that is, rather difficult to learn, because of the difficult vocabulary, three word genders, case system and rigid syntax. Archived. 1. No tests, no memorizing, and the German learning is full of fun <- click the link to find out more. Some of us may have been taught German at school and may have been put off by the complicated grammar and terrifyingly long words. There is nothing especially complicated about German, or it's case system, or case systems in general. German is a hard language to learn so It would be ranked under hard with Russian , Greece and others but Chinese/Japan and Korean is indeed harder although German used to be the World hardest language . Category. So not as easy as it sounds. It is due to the complexity of German grammar, but German and English have the same Germanic roots making it easier for English speakers to learn German. And if that’s not enough, here are 10 more exciting reasons why you should learn German. Dutch, Afrikaans, and closely related Germanic languages. So learning any language within Germanic is awarded one point of difficulty in terms of vocabulary. Unfortunately, the study of any foreign language requires work – and often very hard work. Lots of basic words (common verbs, nouns, and adjectives) look or sound similar. For an English speaker, Swedish is not that complex, compared to many other languages. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German.” I’m not going to lie, German is difficult to learn (have you ever wondered why it was Einstein’s native language?) Then there’s German, which takes 25% longer than Danish to learn, Hindi and Russian take something like twice as long to learn and languages like Arabic or Chinese take a whooping 4 times longer than Danish. I share with you my thoughts on what makes German relatively easy and relatively difficult. Immersion works because the best way to learn German is to hear it and practice speaking it every day in the context of your normal life. When people talk about immersion, what they really mean is learning by doing – to get away from an academic approach and live the language. Learning German can daunting, fun and frustrating all at once. Very Easy. No tests, no memorizing, and the German learning is full of fun <- click the link to find out more. Two Reasons German Is Hard to Learn 1. Why Learn German? Learning another language can be infuriating, particularly as you find yourself committing grammar rules, pronunciations, and a never-ending list of words to memory. But we'd also argue that German is easy to learn for English speakers. Very popular: 5 students contacted this tutor in the last 48 hours. Case systems are one of the more difficult grammar points for English learners to take on and Hungarian makes the list because it’s notorious for having 26 different cases (compare that to German’s four cases or Croatian’s seven). It’s at least as hard as German cases. 3. So according to FSI, Danish is not the biggest challenge in the world. Learn basic sentence construction. The benefits of learning the most common German words first. Reasons to Learn German German is among the most extensively spoken languages in the whole world. In the end it will come down to personal preference and learning style. English C1. It's very enjoyable to learn something on your own, since it gives you a fantastic sense of achievement. Learning German by yourself is a great way to take charge of your own learning speed and the way in which you decide to learn. The person who knows the best way to learn German for you is, obviously, you. Yes, you are right .. you can learn here German Language online! Dutch, Afrikaans, and closely related Germanic languages. Of these, Spanish and Italian are the easiest for native English speakers to learn, followed by Portuguese and finally French. It depends on what your native language is, and whether it is close to Swedish. Teach Yourself German: 5 Excellent Methods for Culture Vultures 1. Use German recipes and cookbooks 2. Tune into German radio stations 3. Add German books and magazines to your bookcase and coffee table 4. Connect with German social media 5. Have a German movie night ), die (fem.) There are certainly more benefits that we have not yet mentioned beyond making more money, finding a new internet, and changing how you travel. Well, it depends, of course. What's the hardest language to learn for English speakers? This is true to some extent; however, much depends on the way the language is taught, the learner’s natural capacity for languages, and the amount of practice dedicated to it. To compare each language, French and German in isolation of each other in terms of difficulty, some of the most experienced linguists would attest that German is more difficult due to the German accent and pronunciation as well as complex German grammar rules. 1. share. Picking up another language can open so many doors in your personal and professional life. It’s consistent and it makes sense. Is the German Language Hard to Learn? So being the people pleaser that I am, I … Learn business, creative, and technology skills to achieve your personal and professional goals. 1. Within 5 months I was communicating comfortably in Russian, befriending many new people and lived for several more months in Italy with my new Russian girlfriend at the time (who could only speak Russian). Help! Welcome to LGiK. Well, German is an excellent selection for such options. And if you think that the difficulty of your native language can be used to measure your intelligence, you are sadly misguided and in desperate of attention. But that’s the end of it being easy. It also depends on the complexity of the language. The sentences are so long and convoluted. Learning German can be a bit difficult, especially if you are a native of a language that doesn’t belong to the Indo-European family of languages. The problem is, if you are short on time or notorious for picking the most difficult tasks, you might be wary of taking on such an arduous journey. Therefore a student who has learnt French may find learning German fairly accessible. They share many words … Learning German Is Not Hard Whenever You Understand How. Well, if you’re learning German, the answer is seriously complicated. Japanese is notorious for being a very polite language, and that’s not a baseless claim. But in real sense, the German you will use every day is not hard at all. At first it's hard to figure out where the word boundaries are. report. How Hard is it to Learn Hebrew If your aim is to just recite a few phrases with some friends or family members, you could probably say it’ll be quite easy to learn. But Germans learn German from a young age just as well as English speakers learn English. French is difficult for people to learn, especially for non-native speakers as the pronunciation of … You will make friends everywhere in the world. This will not be too difficult, as German is very similar to English in this way. In this article, we give you 5 things you should think about to help you decide. There are endless reasons to learn German in our opinion, and 15 is doing a disservice to this beautiful language. German is a very rich language that allows for the expression of ideas and concepts without much confusion. I mean, as an English speaker, you really have a lot of advantages. Difficulty of learning vocabulary. There’s nothing inherently difficult or complicated about the German case system—it’s just different. Learning German Language can help you discover German in a brief period of the time. Learning German is actually an excellent opportunity for self-development in today’s social and economic context. Sure German had its difficult parts and as a first-time learner of the language, there were many times throughout the process when fluency felt like an impossible goal. Spanish (Español) Why Learn Spanish? Arabic (all varieties) Join LinkedIn Learning today to get access to thousands of courses. can confuse listeners and makes you sound ignorant and illiterate in German. Dutch has a significant number of French loanwords that were also borrowed into English. But, no matter what your native language is, and even if German may seem tricky to you at first, don’t get discouraged. German is a living language, and as one of the only languages in the world that allows such outrageously lengthy compound words, it's anybody's guess as to what the next contender for the dubiously honorable title of Longest German Word might be. Next to the English language, it is one of the main accepted languages in European Union. But German and English have to same roots, so much of it comes easier. Polyglot Gabriel Silva talks about some difficult aspects of learning German and how to overcome them. That is why German is the language of philosophers. Well, it depends, of course. So for example, if your native language is German, then Swedish will be quite easy to learn. As a result, you are fluent in a really complicated language. English has many inconsistencies that leave non-native English students scratching their heads in confusion. German is one example of a language that is in many ways easier to learn than English. First, it has several varieties of standard German as well as numerous dialects used in various areas in Europe and abroad. Category. The Easy Bits. So learning English isn’t just a question of learning the rules – it’s about learning the many exceptions to the rules. And for Spotify users, it’s easier than you think to start your lessons. Some, like French, Danish and even English, can be hard for students with dyslexia, while others like Spanish, German and Italian may be easier. However, nouns have genders and those must be correctly figured when speaking German. Learning a new language is always hard but I dare say that if you already know English, then Icelandic shouldn’t be too hard, at least not as much of a challenge as learning a language with a completely different structure and alphabet, such as Chinese, Arabic or Russian. Hallo = Hello. It is the official language of numerous countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and, obviously, Germany! However, German actually isn’t nearly as hard to learn … The grammar is difficult. Lots of basic words (common verbs, nouns, and adjectives) look or sound similar. 47.2k. Dutch has a significant number of French loanwords that were also borrowed into English. Here are some of the highlights: Some people say that learning Dutch is easy and other people insist that it’s hard. 917 comments. Arabic, Korean, Japanese and Chinese are often considered among the most challenging languages to learn for English speakers, and speakers of other European languages. Get a basic idea of how sentences are constructed. Learning German is actually an excellent opportunity for self-development in today’s social and economic context. just me says: April 12, 2015 at 12:44 pm. “Learning a language is not about being comfortable. if there’s something wrong with my way of learning German … Nope, there is nothing wrong with it. German Why German notoriously difficult. For English speakers the least difficult languages are probably: Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Afrikaans, German, Portuguese, Romanian, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. For the more adventurous, however, learning two languages at the same time sounds like the perfect way to satisfy their voracious language-learning … Then there’s German, which takes 25% longer than Danish to learn, Hindi and Russian take something like twice as long to learn and languages like Arabic or Chinese take a whooping 4 times longer than Danish. Don't worry, we've got 15 more convincing reasons to learn German. In all five languages, a primary factor is the difficulty of learning the writing system. That’s right. You will make friends everywhere in the world. German is not overly complex for English speakers to learn, though the FSI ranks it as Category II (750 hours of study). Learning German Language is not difficult – with us ;-) Hi .. 3. Pronunciation: German is quite easy to pronounce. While German is not as difficult as it might look to people who have no experience of learning German beforehand, there are some things that are definitely difficult about learning German mainly due to its differences with English. Russian B2. I am often asked why English is such a difficult to learn for non-native speakers. German presents the same kind of difficulties as Russian but is much easier thanks to numerous reforms. Spelling is easier in German than in English. Students often believe, or expect, that a language can be learnt by osmosis – just like that, in the classroom. Since each noun can be masculine, feminine, or neutral, you have to memorize genders for each noun. Let's get started! There is sort of a fourth gender when nouns are plural. Languages. But we all know it’s not that simple. It’s about challenging yourself and making an effort to go deeper than ‘simple’.” Errol De Jesus, Rosetta Stone Foreign Service Institute language difficulty rankings . They even do so without having a first language to use as a base. Technical vocabulary is very difficult, not being similar to English. Unfortunately, these cases and genders don’t stop at the word the. It also depends on the complexity of the language. Why is Hungarian hard to learn? This is one of the most known words in German and a great way to start a conversation with someone from Germany. Close. German comes from the same language family as English. Although learning Icelandic to a standard that would be acceptable to Icelandic speakers is very hard, starting to learn Icelandic is only a little harder than learning a language like German. And if that’s not enough, here are 10 more exciting reasons why you should learn German. It depends on what your native language is, and whether it is close to Swedish. It takes time, but it’s not difficult. … Get our German expert’s honest opinion on whether German is hard to learn. Very Easy. I don’t have a pressing need to do so, and I’ve already wasted enough of my life on it. Thanks French . These languages are known to be exceptionally difficult for English speakers. 8 months ago. Learning any language outside this group gets 10x more difficult in terms of vocabulary, including Slavic, Greek, and Indo-Iranian languages. Compare that to someone who wants to live in Israel and work for an Israeli company, their language learning … See the rankings below. The German Case System. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German.” I’m not going to lie, German is difficult to learn (have you ever wondered why it was Einstein’s native language?) or das (neut.) The Foreign Service Institute listed the nine languages that are more similar to English and therefore the easiest languages for English-speaking folks to acquire. It is the official language of numerous countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and, obviously, Germany! The video above shows people struggling with some complex words; the tips below will help you avoid making the same mistakes as you learn German. Danish isn’t hard to learn, but as with most Scandinavian languages, the biggest hurdle with studying Danish is … How complicated could the word “the” be? Reasons to Learn German 1. That can be avoided by learning das Haus rather than just Haus for … The below language difficulty chart is based on … hide. No ? Spanish has lots of similarities in vocabulary to English, and Spanish grammar is not very difficult as it is also quite similar to English. But I’d also heard that Poles always appreciate it when you try to speak it. For an English speaker, Swedish is not that complex, compared to many other languages. You may have heard that German is a difficult and complex language to learn. That said, Korean is more difficult to learn (for English speakers) than languages like French or German, simply because the languages are unrelated. Learning to understand Japanese culture is major part of learning the language and keigo – the Japanese “politeness” system – is a big part of that.. Difficulty of learning vocabulary. Having had the experience of learning four Romance languages so far, in my opinion, Spanish is the simplest language to learn for an English speaker. Teaches German language. 1. German, like most languages other than English, is a language of gender.As you learn each new German noun, learn its gender at the same time.Not knowing whether a word is der (masc. I gave up on learning a foreign language. On Preply since 2021. This is true to some extent; however, much depends on the way the language is taught, the learner’s natural capacity for languages, and the amount of practice dedicated to it. Therefore a student who has learnt French may find learning German fairly accessible. Mara K said, March 4, 2017 @ 11:17 pm. Learning German may be a difficult exercise for a number of reasons. Brötchen : bread roll r – Move your tongue further to the back of your throat, and make a sound as if you are gargling water (or you’re Homer Simpson thinking about donuts). What you need is a method that can help you learn naturally, in which 80% of learners become fluent within 6-8 months. I kept hearing about how difficult Russian is to learn up until that point but my experience there said something very different. German Tutors at Preply. Posted by. Being the official language of 20 countries, Spanish is the lingua franca of Spain and most Central and South American countries. German: hardest to learn, a phenomenal amount of great learning materials ... As you can see, whether one is more difficult than the other is quite hard to say, and since the two languages are spoken on opposite hemispheres it usually isn't hard to pick between one and another. German nouns have grammatical gender: masculine, feminine, and neuter. German Native. Reasons to Learn German German is among the most extensively spoken languages in the whole world. actually Arabic used to be the World Hardest Language and search for it if u didnt believe me. EASY 1. Having had the experience of learning four Romance languages so far, in my opinion, Spanish is the simplest language to learn for an English speaker. For this reason we have put together a balanced list of 5 reasons by which learning German can be really hard, and 5 reasons by which it isn’t that much. It’s even automatic. French is not hard to learn, especially when compared to English! Danish. Apart from that, you can consider the difficult and easy linguistic areas in German that we’ve outlined below. No. I think the pronunciation is enough to scratch French off the list, IMO. Click play below to … Many beginner level language students have the misconception that German is an almost impossible language to learn. But in real sense, the German you will use every day is not hard at all. I wasted a lot of time and money on French, and wish I had gone German instead. Learning to read German is harder than learning to read English or the Romance languages. German uses four cases, three genders, and a plural form, creating sixteen different ways to say the word “the”. ? German Written Chinese HARD. Lynda is now LinkedIn Learning. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Next to the English language, it is one of the main accepted languages in European Union. German has a reputation for being a difficult language to learn. save. And the word denoting gender change a bit depending on what part of a sentence they are used in. In my opinion, it is always more difficult to understand a language in spoken form compared to reading in it.It just takes a bit of time to get used to the sound and the flow of it.. DLI’s Category 4 languages are the same as those for FSI Category 3. Choosing between making French or German the next language you learn? I am pleased to announce that there IS no most difficult language – only language difficulty relative to a learner’s native language. Is German easy or difficult to learn? Let's naturally start with "Hallo" which means "Hello" in German. Some, like French, Danish and even English, can be hard for students with dyslexia, while others like Spanish, German and Italian may be easier. It does not matter whether you’re a student or a senior citizen. And sure, that’s true of German too. It is true that German has some pitfalls, but by taking a closer look you will notice that while learning German might be difficult at times, it is in no way impossible. But eventually I did reach fluency and thus would like to share my opinion of the five most difficult aspects of the German language for native English speakers. The program has French, Spanish, Chinese, German, and more available for free. Learning French is easier for Spanish or Italian native speakers than it is for Germans, whereas learning Dutch or Norwegian would be easier for a German than for a Spaniard So, is Chinese a difficult language for westerners to learn? 93% Upvoted. Learning any unfamiliar language can be hard. You may have heard that German is a difficult and complex language to learn. “The most difficult part for me was to memorize the six cases in Russian,” says German student Simon Schirrmacher. although the level of difficulty may be under conditions such as your mother tongue and your everyday proximity with it. Languages. The differing word order and grammar experienced with German will be dealt with in the next section. Hmm, you accidentally landed on this page perhaps ! To compare each language, French and German in isolation of each other in terms of difficulty, some of the most experienced linguists would attest that German is more difficult due to the German accent and pronunciation as well as complex German grammar rules. The German language can be easy to learn, but it depends on your commitment and a few other factors. A student who is starting to learn German, will have a really hard time finding the meaning of words in a dictionary. So for example, if your native language is German, then Swedish will be quite easy to learn. Just because learning languages can be a difficult process, doesn't mean that you should just give up. Covered why German may be hard to learn German up with the German will. German has a reputation for being a difficult and easy linguistic areas in.! Off the list, IMO have the misconception that German is actually excellent! 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