At this point in time this species is not yet described; therefore it is given the name of its location Hongi , which is taken from its name sake Hongi Island. The hongi shown below is around six years old. Labidochromis Makokola Reef. Considerando la forte territorialità dei maschi occorrerebbe introdurre un gruppo formato da un maschio e 3-4 femmine in un acquario di medie dimensioni arredato con fondo di sabbia fine e una abbondante presenza di rocce per creare anfratti e barriere visive in modo tale da delimitare i territori da occupare. Labidochromis sp. Personal notes: Labidochromis sp. Mannen zijn paarsachtig blauw met donkere dwarsstrepen tot zeer lichtblauw (in het broedseizoen), met een rode kop en rugvin. Labidochromis Perlmutt. - Labidochromis hongi red top Schweden (Hongi Deluxe, superred) - Melanochromis maingano - Ahli white snowblood pinkflush (Erstzüchter, Dr. Linnenbaum-Linie) - Ahli multicolour - Ahli iceblue pinkflush - Ahli iceberg purple red - Ahli calico OB - Pseudotropheus coral megalania (Ps. Offering Labidochromis sp. Since this fish is not yet officially classified yet, I suppose both names can be considered equally correct for now. Color on these range from orange to red and will vary depending on the fishes mood. More details Watch movie See photo. Diese gezüchtete Labidochromis gehört zur Familie der Cichlidae und ist im Malawisee in Zentralafrika endemisch. Ze komen al prachtig op kleur. Labidochromis hongi "super red top" - Autor: HAWAL Kliknutím na obrázek zavřete okno Hongi «Super Red Top» (Super Red Top Hongi Cichlid) – approximately 3 … 4 cm in size. Hier angeboten wird die Variante Labidochromis hongi "Red Top Schweden", extra rot.Diese Tiere weisen im Vergleich zu den "normalen" Labidochromis hongi einen wesentlich höheren Anteil Rotfärbung auf. Labidochromis sp. But now they live in aquariums all over the world. Origin: Hongis are Mbunas, which is a large family of Cichlid fish that originally lived only in Lake Malawi in East Africa . Información; Videos Las variedades más representativas de este cíclido del lago Malawi son Labidochromis cauruleus, L. chisumulae y L. sp. 4 x 3-4cm Labidochromis chisumulae £30.00. The Labidochromis sp. Members of this variety also feature dark bars of color that run vertically down their bodies. Strona główna / Ryby / Mbuna / Labidochromis / Labidochromis Hongi Super Red. Dieser wunderschöne Mbuna (Aufwuchsfresser) ist das Ergebnis erfolgreicher Selektionszucht aus dem im Malawisee vorkommenden Labidochromis hongi. Aquarium: 200 L. Arrangement: dark rocks, sand. Harga: cichlid labidochromis Hongi (red top hongi)Rp130.000: Harga: ikan cichlid labidochromis red hongiRp70.000: Harga: celana Kulot Rok Hongi Batik long pant jumbo kmRp85.000: Harga: Ikan Cichlid Labidochromis Red Top Hongi ukuran 9cmRp155.000: Data diperbaharui pada 17/2/2021 Hongi "Kimpuma" that was line bred to enhance their color. 181 followers. Pseudotropheus zebra Maison Reef 4-5 cm . Référence CICHA42. Labidochromis hongi Super Red Top - DNZ. Dostępność: Tak Rozmiar Hongi super red 4-5 cm Menü Melanochromis maingano (cyaneorhabdos) 5-6 cm . The image used above is for illustration purposes only. Native to: Hongi Island, East Coast of Lake Malawi. Labidochromis caeruleus yellow - 7-10 шт Вариант 4. lengte aquarium:100cm … Hongi Red Top, Hongi Super Red Top, Hongi Red Top Kimpuma. Labidochromis Mbamba. Pseudotropheus Perspicax Orange Cap Ndumbi. ... Pseudotropheus saulosi - 10-15 шт Вариант 3. Labidochromis Hongi Super Red. Film Powiększ zdjęcie. Labidochromis hongi Sweden (59) Auswahl: Frage stellen; Beschreibung; Bewertungen (59) Wasserwerte: pH-Wert 7,5-8,5. Please click here to see the fish profile explaining the keeping and breeding conditions for this species. This species Labidochromis sp. Hongi is een typische Mbuna, rond lichaam, robuuste bouw, afgeronde kop. Labidochromis sp. Labidochromis Perlmutt. Sklep Film Powiększ zdjęcie. I maschi hanno una colorazione di fondo turchese con barre verticali nere che partono dalla parte superiore del corpo andandosi a restringere man mano fino a scomparire, la pinna dorsale, la parte appena sotto di essa e la zona sotto la gola sono di colore arancio-rosso, le femmine rimangono di colore bruno senza la presenza delle barre verticali che appaiono solo in momenti di forte stress o aggressività. These in our opinion are superior to the hongi 'sweden' which are currently seen in the UK. Maximum Size: In aquariums Hongis can grow to be about 3.5" long , including their tails, which is a very Im Detail: Labidochromis hongi "Red Top Schweden", extra rot. Melanochromis Auratus Chipoka. hongi "super red top" Andrew Pinder. You will occasionally see this cichlid referred to with the common name "red top kimpuma", although that name seems to be dieing out. Hongi super red 4-5 cm . Accueil > Eau douce > Poissons d'eau douce > Cichlidés Africain du lac Malawi > Labidochromis hongi super red top 5-6cm. This article talks about the "super red" and the fact that it is a line bred species. Hongi. Agrandir l'image. (Some hobbiests refer to them as Labidochromis sp. Labidochromis Hongi Super Red. Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef - … 100% professional – nothing to add, and great contact. Contacta con nosotros para verificar disponibilidad: Contacto. Malawi Cichlids. Labidochromis Super Red Top Hongi These are a very nice mbuna addition to a Malawi aquarium. Labidochromis sp. We combine the shipping cost if you order more fish or other goods. Labidochromis hongi Super Red Top - DNZ. Both males and females of the Hongi show great colouration with the males producing more red. Labidochromis Mbamba. Species – Labidochromis Hongi Red Top; Common Name – Hongi “super reds” Diet: omnivorous. Labidochromis spec. "Mbamba" , Mbuna, Malawi African Cichlid More details Watch movie See photo. Personal notes: Labidochromis sp. Labidochromis Hongi super red. Red Top Hongi is a species of Mbuna from Hongi Island which is characterized by a pale blue body and striking yellow and orange accents along the dorsal fin. More details Watch movie See photo. Labidochromis sp. ''Hongi''Labidochromis in Latin means Labido = pincer + chromis = colored. "hongi" Verzeichnis zu den Cichliden des Malawisee. Labidochromis sp. We will try to send 3male and 3 female but its impossible to be 100% sure at that size. "Hongi" is a rock-dwelling cichlid (mbuna) from near Hongi Island in Lake Malawi. Come coinquilini sono indicate le specie meno aggressive del gruppo “mbuna” del lago Malawi. Prachtige vissen. Note that my hongi do not have any stripes continueing into the dorsal fin. Males typically reach 6″. Labidochromis sp. Futter: nimmt fast alle Trocken,- Frost- und Lebendfutter an. Sklep Film Powiększ zdjęcie. Labidochromis spec. Location: Near Hongi Island, Lake Malawi, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Die Farbe der Rückenflosse der ursprünglich vorkommenden Männchen kann selbst innerhalb einer Population von gelb bis rot stark variieren. Shopauskunft 4.87 / 5,00 (162 Bewertungen) Verhalten: gut verträglich, revierbildend beim laichen. cibo secco e congelato(gamberetti, mysis, krill), cibo vegetale. "hongi" I purchased in 1996 as a juvenile. "kimpuma" which is the name used commonly in Europe.) Pseudotropheus … Below is the adult Labidochromis sp. Labidochromis hongi super red top 5-6cm. "hongi" lebt in der Fels- wie auch in der Übergangszone – überall dort, wo er Felseinbuchtungen, Spalten und Höhlen findet.. "Hongi" is a rock-dwelling cichlid (mbuna) from near Hongi Island in Lake Malawi. Ean13: 3760301992417., Next Malawi cichlid <== Labidochromis joanjohnsonae HOME, See Cichlid News magazine October 1993 (Volume 2, no. Description. Labidochromis Hongi Super Red. $6.00 Labidochromis hongi Super Red Top Deluxe (African Cichlid Mbuna) for sale in Millcreek, UT on KSL Classifieds. "Hongi" by Michael Courtney (aka MC1979) The Fish Labidochromis sp. Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef 3-5 cm . I purchased a single male in 1996 and later bought a colony of juveniles in 2010. In the picture below he is in a relaxed mood which is much more typical than the pictures at the top of this page. (Some hobbiests refer to them as Labidochromis sp. Description. At 5 inches long he is a bit longer than the hongi are supposed to grow. View a wide selection of Fish and other great items on KSL Classifieds. Per stuk € 4.50 Per trio € 10 Latijnse naam:Labidochromis Hongi super red Nederlandse naam:Labidochromis Hongi superred Familie:Cichlidae Herkomst:Malawi Waterlaag:Boven, midden, bodem Max. Labidochromis sp. ___________________________________________________________________________________. Lion Sanga 5-6 cm . Poisson d'Or a sélectionné pour vous de nombreux cichlidés africains du lac Malawi aux meilleurs prix. Females tend to be slightly smaller. You will occasionally see this cichlid referred to with the common name "red top kimpuma", although that name seems to be dieing out. 4). Lengte:10cm Temperatuur:24 - 26 graden celcius Min. Reaches: male 8/10 cm (the female is smaller) Number of fish per aquarium: 1 male, 3/4 females or multiple Hongi red top sweden eigen kweek 6 cm. Pseudotropheus socolofi Mara Point. Aulonocara Firefish " ICE "*UK Line Bred* - COLOURED PAIR 7-8cm BACK IN STOCK £40.00. 4.87 / 5,00 162 Bewertungen. Cynotilapia spec. There are several species of Mbunas for sale in this store. Labidochromis hongi super red. Feed a good color … Hongi are striking fish with there purple/blue bodies, black baring with a red crest, These fish are very popular among hobby keepers and are always in high demand. Il Labidochromis Hongi è molto prolifico e la riproduzione risulta abbastanza semplice a patto di avere molti rifugi dove le femmine possano ripararsi durante l'incubazione, essa avviene in una cavità e la metodologia è quella comunemente adottata dalla gran parte degli incubatori orali, le femmine rilasceranno gli avannotti(da 10 a 25) completamente autosufficienti dopo circa tre-quattro settimane. As you can see there is some color variation in the two groups I've had. His color and his stripes come and go quite a bit depending upon his mood. Since I had no digital camera at that time these pictures were taken six years later in 2002. Labidochromis sp. Lebensraum. Aquarium Fish. Il Labidochromis Hongi"Super Red” è il risultato di una meticolosa linea di riproduzione atta ad esaltare la colorazione rosso-arancio del Labidochromis Hongi, non si tratta di un ibrido ma semplicemente di una selezione. What our Customers think about us? I've kept this species twice now and the pictures above and below are of the colony I purchased at a club aiction in 2010. 4 x Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Super Red Top T.A.C 3-4cm, £30.00. Vrouwen zijn beduidend kleurlozer, bruinig, met donkere strepen en geel/bruine vinnen. You will receive 6 fish. Aquarium Design. Der aus dem Malawisee in Afrika stammende Labidochromis hongi ist ein eher friedlicher Cichlide. "Hongi" "Swedish Super Red", Mbuna, Malawi African Cichlid From $ 12.99 Labidochromis sp. Aquarium Setup. Sklep Film Powiększ zdjęcie. African Cichlids. Shopauskunft. Comments: This is a fabulous fish with vibrant colors.
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